Use more than 4 words. It could be 7, 8, 9, 10, ... words. Use partial match keyword. Use LSI or related words. Try to use the number such as " New 67 health tips ". Try to use year such as " health tips for 2020 ". Try to use special characters... ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . / , : ; < = > ? @ [ ]\ ^ _ ` { } | ~ such as " amazing! health guides & tips ", " amazin & secret health tips ", " 100+ health tips ", " health tips without $$$ ", " health tips (#3 is my favorite) " Brandable such as domain name so it could be " ", " myexampleweb ", " my example web ", " the blog of myexampleweb " etc. Use abbreviation. such as domain name so it could be " MEW ", " mew ". Use naked URL. Such as " " Avoid Exact...