Upwork/Fiverr Check list
Below we will give 6 things that if you follow, you can get a job in Fiverr/ Upwork.
1.Keyword Research
For Title in gig/project catelog
2.Inappropriate Tags
That means The tag should be well placed so that search results and similar profiles / gigs / project catalog suggestions can come up.
3.Inappropriate image
That means that the profile picture must be the original image of the person and the image of the gig / project catalog must match the title and description of the gig / project catalog.
4. Excessive Social Media Share
Do not share your too much profile / gig / project catalog on social media. This will increase the click of your profile / gig / project catalog but will not sell. This will cause more problems
5. Don't go to your profile / gig / project catalog again and again.
6.Published Time
Gig/project catalog
7.Publish Frequency
Not publishing all gig / project catalogs at once. With some time, that is, after a few days to be published
8.Don't spam
It can't be done at all. Spamming also involves sending messages to other sellers on your own. Etc. There are more issues not to do them
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